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As the Chief Operating Officer and Director of Franchise Development, Andrea McGinness oversees all the day-to-day operations of the WineStyles Tasting Station concept.
McGinness’ career with WineStyles Tasting Station began in 2006, when she and her husband, Bryan, opened a WineStyles location in West Des Moines, Iowa. As a first-time franchisee, McGinness was responsible for the store’s daily front-end operations and oversaw all aspects of sales support, staffing and the execution of marketing strategies to drive customer loyalty and ensure brand consistency.
In November 2012, the McGinness’ were presented with the opportunity to purchase the entire WineStyles concept from its original owner. Following the acquisition, Andrea and Bryan launched the rebranding of the existing concept into the current WineStyles Tasting Station. Today, customers can Taste, Learn and Enjoy® the best in fine wines, artisanal cheeses, chocolates, craft beers, and other gourmet items at WineStyles Tasting Stations across the country.
Prior to WineStyles Tasting Station, McGinness spent a number of years as sales manager for a trucking and cellular company and most recently served as operations manager of Canon Computer Systems.
McGinness lives with her husband Bryan and their three children in Clive, Iowa.
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